Throughout my career as a developer, I’ve relied heavily on open source - I wouldn’t be half as productive without Github - but despite this, I’m ashamed to say that I only contributed to open source for the first time last year. I’ve had the idea of contributing for a long time, but it’s safe to say that the whole process of choosing a project to contribute to, understanding the codebase, finding the source of a bug, communicating with the maintainers, and so on, was too daunting to take the plunge. Then I stumbled upon my first open source project and realized that it wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be.
The open source project I participated in was Telegraf. The name may sound unfamiliar, but it is a well-known project in the monitoring area. When you think of monitoring, you probably think of server monitoring (IaaS level monitoring) and application monitoring (APM), and Telegraf is a metrics collection agent that is active in server monitoring.
Monitoring typically goes something like this: collect
-> store
-> analyze
-> visualize
. (Sometimes the order changes a bit along the way.) Here, Telegraf is in charge of the collection phase. You could say that its positioning is similar to that of metricbeat in the Elastic stack.
Comparing the Elastic stack to the TICK stack in the monitoring area, the Elastic stack, with its flow of Beat
-> Logstash
-> Elasticsearch
-> Kibana
, is basically based on log monitoring. Of course, nowadays, Elasticsearch has expanded its scope to application-level monitoring by creating not only logs and metrics but also APM.
The TICK stack, on the other hand, can be thought of as metric-based monitoring. The difference between a metric and a log is that a log is simply a string of messages, while a metric is a numerical value. Telegraf itself is specialized in collecting metrics, and its data repository, InfluxDB, is built as a database for storing time series data.
When we talk about the TICK stack, we are talking about a stack consisting of Telegraf
, InfluxDB
, Chronograf
, and Kapacitor
, but it is rare to use Chronograf for visualization. In fact, Grafana
has more features as a visualization tool than Chronograf
and is better at integrating with other data sources, so the TIG
- InfluxDB
- Grafana
) stack seems to be more popular. But the problem is that Grafana
is more familiar with Prometheus
than the TICK stack, and Prometheus is more popular in container-based ecosystems these days, and both are written in Go. In fact, it seems like most container ecosystems are using Go these days. It feels like it’s becoming the de facto language of the container area.
Anyway, to clarify, Telegraf is a metrics collection agent, as mentioned before. But there’s always one more word when describing Telegraf. It’s “plugin-based”. Telegraf can collect different kinds of metrics through different plugins. And you don’t have to put the collected metrics into InfluxDB, you can also put them into other kinds of data stores through different output plugins.
The picture above is from Telegraf’s official webpage and shows the architecture of the TICK stack in detail. (As a side note, when I checked at the end of last year, the picture said something about “200+ plugins supported”, but when I checked, it was actually 198). Anyway, the list of plugins supported by Telegraf can be found in the README on the Telegraf Github, and as of today’s master branch, it looks like this
- Input Plugins: activemq, aerospike, amqp_consumer, apache, aurora, aws cloudwatch, bcache, beanstalkd, bind, bond, burrow, cassandra, ceph, cgroup, chrony, cisco_telemetry_gnmi, cisco_telemetry_mdt, cloud_pubsub, cloud_pubsub_push, conntrack, consul, couchbase, couchdb, cpu, DC/OS, diskio, disk, disque, dmcache, dns query time, docker, docker_log, dovecot, ecs, elasticsearch, exec, fail2ban, fibaro, file, filestat, filecount, fireboard, fluentd, github, graylog, haproxy, hddtemp, httpjson, http_listener, http_listener_v2, http, http_response, icinga2, influxdb, influxdb_listener, internal, interrupts, ipmi_sensor, ipset, iptables, ipvs, jenkins, jolokia2, jolokia, jti_openconfig_telemetry, kafka_consumer, kapacitor, kinesis, kernel, kernel_vmstat, kibana, kubernetes, kube_inventory, leofs, linux_sysctl_fs, logparser, lustre2, mailchimp, mcrouter, memcached, mem, mesos, minecraft, mongodb, mqtt_consumer, multifile, mysql, nats_consumer, nats, neptune_apex, net, net_response, netstat, nginx, nginx_plus_api, nginx_plus, nginx_upstream_check, nginx_vts, nsq_consumer, nsq, nstat, ntpq, nvidia_smi, openldap, opensmtpd, openweathermap, pf, pgbouncer, phpfpm, phusion passenger, ping, postfix, postgresql_extensible, postgresql, powerdns, powerdns_recursor, processes, procstat, prometheus, puppetagent, rabbitmq, raindrops, redis, rethinkdb, riak, salesforce, sensors, smart, snmp_legacy, snmp, socket_listener, solr, sql server, stackdriver, statsd, swap, syslog, sysstat, system, tail, temp, tcp_listener, teamspeak, tengine, tomcat, twemproxy, udp_listener, unbound, uswgi, varnish, vsphere VMware vSphere, webhooks, filestack, github, mandrill, papertrail, particle, rollbar, win_perf_counters, win_services, wireless, x509_cert, zfs, zipkin, zookeeper
- Parsers: InfluxDB Line Protocol, Collectd, CSV, Dropwizard, FormUrlencoded, Graphite, Grok, JSON, Logfmt, Nagios, Value, Wavefront
- Serializers: InfluxDB Line Protocol, JSON, Graphite, ServiceNow, SplunkMetric, Carbon2, Wavefront
- Processor Plugins: converter, date, enum, override, parser, pivot, printer, regex, rename, strings, topk, unpivot
- Aggregator Plugins: basicstats, final, histogram, minmax, valuecounter
- Output Plugins: influxdb, influxdb_v2, amon, amqp (rabbitmq), application_insights, aws kinesis, aws cloudwatch, azure_monitor, cloud_pubsub, cratedb, datadog, discard, elasticsearch, file, graphite, graylog, health, http, instrumental, kafka, librato, mqtt, nats, nsq, opentsdb, prometheus, riemann, riemann_legacy, socket_writer, stackdriver, syslog, tcp, udp, wavefront
Without going into too much detail about Telegraf, I use it as part of my job at work. Previously, we were using it to collect metrics from our Linux-based servers, but we needed to add support for Windows servers as well. Telegraf supports Windows, so it was no problem to install and start testing. However, Linux and Windows have different ways of collecting metrics, so I had to get a different configuration file for Windows than for Linux servers.
However, as I quickly skimmed through the config file, I noticed something strange.
I think I saw a setting to collect network-related metrics once at the top of the configuration file, but I found it again below. Normally, it’s easy to think “I must have done something wrong” rather than “Telegraf’s default configuration file is wrong”. Naturally, I thought I must have made a mistake when pasting it, so I got a new one for Windows. However, the new configuration file also had duplicate sections.
I realized that the default configuration file was incorrect and added the above to our internal guide documentation for Telegraf. Then I realized that this was a perfect opportunity to make a PR. I immediately created a PR to remove the duplicate settings, and since it was an obvious configuration error, the merge went through without a problem. I received a “Thanks!” comment from the maintainer.
This comment actually made me feel a little weird. I’ve been coding all my life, day and night, and I’ve never had someone thank me for something I wrote (which was actually a simple configuration file modification). Sure, my company makes money from my code, but that doesn’t mean they thank me. Instead, they pay me a salary (in this case, of course, a salary is better).
I realized that I wanted to contribute more to the Telegraf project.
In fact, as I mentioned above, I’ve tried to contribute to open source a few times before. But I definitely didn’t have the right approach.
- I want to contribute to open source…
- I want to do something big and famous…
- clone a big and famous open source project.
- find the main function and follow it from the beginning…. Give up after 3 minutes.
- find the official documentation and read through it…. Give up after 30 minutes.
- check out a very early version of the project and follow the source again…. Give up after 5 minutes.
- give up.
I actually think this is a very bad approach to contributing to open source. In fact, I think it’s best to choose an open source project to contribute to from the ones you’re already using. For me, Telegraf was one of those things, and there were a few other things I could play around with.
- a program you actually use
- implemented in the familiar Go language
- Plugin-based, easy to understand and modify code
- Each plugin has README documentation for easy understanding
Of these, number 3 in particular was very valid. Since it’s literally plugin-based, I didn’t need to look at any other code unless I was touching the core part of Telegraf, I only needed to look at the code of the plugin I wanted to fix, and in most cases, the plugin is all contained in one or two files. The documentation is also very detailed about what interface the plugin should have, which makes it easier to follow the code.
Even better, when using Go, I often struggle with how to write tests, but in Telegraf’s case, the test files are well organized, so it’s easy to get the hang of writing tests. (In fact, you can’t merge without tests.)
Additionally, if you’re the author of a new plugin, you’ll be credited in the release notes, as shown below.
I’ve only made bugfix type contributions so far, so I haven’t gotten my name listed here. But I hope to do so soon.
2019-09-04 Added,